The Return Of the Zapolskyys

by: Janet Nwachukwu The Zapolskyy are coming to Tyler for an extended stay. They will arrive sometime this month, so a week ago the girls and boys Brook Hill soccer teams, as well as Grace Community boy’s soccer team, had the opportunity to fix a place for them to stay. The house Pasha’s family will…

How the vietnamese view the Vietnam war

by DK.YU Last weekend, we celebrated 40th anniversary of the end of the end of Vietnam War. Here at Brook hill School we have some vietnamese students in our school. I thought it would be a great opportunity to ask these students what they think about the war. Forty years ago, more than one million…


By: Dakota Gillespie Finals. The test of the year to see just how much knowledge the students have acquired throughout the long school year. Although it is only a test of knowledge over a given subject finals mark an important time in every student’s life. The ticket to the next level in the education system…

Spring 2015

By Sarah Wegner During SPARC week many students traveled America, bonded with classmates and made memories that will last a lifetime. Meanwhile, the majority of the boarding students took the opportunity to stay with their families for an extra week. So I, being a boarding student, stayed in the beautiful KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) for…

A Brief Summary of the Evolution of Humanity

  By: Dakota Gillespie Humanity has come a very long way on its journey that will eventually have to end, but hopefully not any time soon. Not only have humans evolved intellectually but technologically also. From cars, to planes, to type writers, to laptops, to smart TVs you–name it–humanity has created a strong foundation to…

Is a text worth your priceless life?

By: Dakota Gillespie According to, “in the United States more than 9 people are killed every day and more than 1,060 people are injured in daily recorded crashes. Distracted driving is one common cause as many people behind the wheel do other activity that keeps their focus away from driving, resulting in vehicular accidents.” AT&T has…